Lena McLin

LENA MCLIN, has been at the forefront of contemporary choral music for over thirty years. A graduate of Spelmam College in Atlanta. Dr. McLin has composed over 400 works, including symphonies, operas, art songs and many arrangements of African American spirituals. She founded and directs the McLin Opera Company in Chicago. As educator, she taught for many years as chair of the award winning music program at Kenwood High School.

Dr. McLin has been instrumental in launching the careers of several members of the Metropolitan Opera Company in New York City including former students, baritone Mark Rucker and soprano Nicole Heaston. The niece of Thomas A Dorsey, the “Father of Gospel,” Lena McLin’s musical inspiration and scholarship are rooted in both Gospel and classic music. (September 5, 1928 – October 3, 2023 )

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Neil A Kjos Music Company • 4382 Jutland Dr. • San Diego, CA 92117 • (858) 270-9800
© 2023 Neil A. Kjos Music Company. . All Rights Reserved. Prices for U.S. only, and subject to change without notice.