Drew Shanefield

Drew Shanefield is in his ninth year as an instrumental music specialist for the School District of Haverford Township, Pennsylvania. In addition, he is a member of the music faculty at Swarthmore College. Mr. Shanefield graduated from New York University in 1992 with a Bachelor in Music. Further studies include a M.S. Ed. from Queens College and an M.M. degree from West Chester University.

Drew maintains an active schedule as a freelance artist, clinician, and adjudicator. He has composed and arranged music for ensembles in the United States, England, and Japan. In addition, Drew is a Yamaha trumpet performing artist and clinician, as well as a music adjudicator for Bands of America and the United States Scholastic Bands Association.

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Neil A Kjos Music Company • 4382 Jutland Dr. • San Diego, CA 92117 • (858) 270-9800
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